Way to Grow provides pediatric Occupational Therapy services for children who have difficulty performing functional skills, impacting their ability to participate in daily activities, including self-care, school, play/ leisure, and social interactions. Each child receives a comprehensive sensory-motor evaluation report featuring their strengths, weaknesses/areas to improve and a treatment plan designed around the client and family's goals. All services are provided by a licensed therapist on a 1:1 basis. Treatment sessions emphasize individualized, motivating, and purposeful activities from a sensory integration perspective.
• Sensory processing
• Fine motor coordination and dexterity
• Visual and ocular motor skills
• Handwriting
• Bilateral coordination
• Core strength and balance
• Motor planning
• Executive functioning
• Emotional regulation and decreasing emotional outbursts
• Improving transitions and flexibility
• Establishing self-care routines
• Building peer relationships
• Play skills
• Focus and attention
• Handwriting Without Tears strategies
• Zones of Regulation and ALERT programs for self-regulation
• Interoception Curriculum
• Social Thinking and SuperFlex curriculums for social skills
• iLs “Integrated Listening Systems” certified providers
• Reflex integration
• Motor Learning Theory for skill acquisition
Sensory Integration -Sensory integration (SI) is a theory and technique developed by A. Jean Ayres, a psychologist and occupational therapist. Ayres described SI as "the organization of sensation for use" (Ayres, 1979). In sensory integration theory, SI is referred to as a neurological process that occurs naturally within the brain with little conscious effort or attention. It involves the processing and integration of external and internal sensory information within the brain, and the ability to use this information functionally through appropriate adaptive responses. The sensory information that is received into our nervous systems from our environment or within our bodies includes the senses most people are familiar with (auditory/ sound, visual/ sight, olfactory/ smell, gustatory/ taste, tactile/ touch), but also other sensations that arise from within our bodies, vestibular and proprioceptive sensory input. It is hypothesized that the process of SI impacts our development, motor control, learning and behavior.
Here's what families are saying about Way to Grow
"Heather is a caring and very talented occupational therapist. While working with Heather, my daughter felt like she was going to a play date every week instead of a therapy session, and made significant improvements during her sessions. Heather has great communication with parents and helps explain what a parent can do at home to enforce what was learned in therapy. I highly recommend Heather to anyone in need of a occupational therapist. We are so grateful to have found her!"
-Lyndsey M.
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2715 S. Alma School Rd., Suite #3
Chandler AZ 85286
Phone: 480-508-5252
Email: reception@waytogrowaz.com
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